Tuesday, August 25, 2009

You know you're getting old...

...when your idea of a great Tuesday night is cleaning your bathroom, finishing the crossword and moisturizing.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

[TFCV]- Texts from Carson's Visit

Prior to her arrival:

CR - Is there an Urban Outfitters in Phx?
RB - Haha. Yes, several. We're a real city.
CR - I'm gonna shop til I drop. I gotta find the good vintage shops too! I'm leaving in exactly one week!
RB - Oh yeah. I can't hardly wait at all.
CR - Not as excited about me Ralph.

CR - OMG I'm here.
RB - I'm around the corner! Go to the south curb and I'll get you!
CR - Will that be easy to find?

After her departue:

CR - Wow I got really emotional when I left. I just love you so much and am so lucky to have you as my friend. I had an incredible weekend and can't wait to see you soon.
RB - Truth: I sobbed the whole way home. I love you so much and SO glad you came.
CR - I hate being so far away. I hate being a grown up and I want to go back to Humphrey's.
RB - We all do girl. We all do.
CR - Love you and I'll text you when I get to MN.
RB - You better. Love you too Phyllis.

CR - So, I'm in an isle with three seats and it's me, a husband and wife and their 2-year-old all sharin three spots. The baby already crawled into my lap. I may not survive this three hour flight.

Great friends like her, are few and far between in my life. Part of what made me so sad, is that in spite of all the success and happiness I've had here in my two years as an Arizona resident, I've found nothing close to that. And I miss it.

Sometimes, it's a shame to be so far.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Driving Miss Crazy

This morning, I was driven around in my roomate's bright blue Ford Focus. I stretched out in the back seat, as he turned left and right through the Valley...all the way to brunch.

I felt like Miss Daisy as I sipped my iced Dr. Pepper.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bus Bookers

Why is it that the act of witnessing pedestrians run for busses really pulls on my heart strings? Truly.

Today was not special or unique as far as days go. On my 10 minute trek home from work, I witnessed an average looking man desperately sprinting across the street to catch the bus, sweat on his brow, bags in tote and determination in his gait. It was 108 degrees.

As I passed the scene, I adjusted my rearview mirror to see that he had made it. Please oh please catch that bus. I don't want you to miss it, sir. Please get it. Go go go go.

He caught it. And I was able to proceed with my average day.

Deep breath out. Go man, go.

Monday, August 10, 2009

PHX - LIT and back: 38 hours of madness

Dialogue from a convenient store in the Dallas Fort Worth International airport:

Black Male, "Hey girl, how you doing today?"
White Female, "I'm well, thank you."

She crosses the store and selects a cranberry apple juice from the drink isle. She places it on the counter and begins to dig in her cluttered tote for her wallet.

Black Male, "Is that all for you, girl...you don't want any gum...no candy...no chocolate...?"

He emphasizes this last word.

White Female, "No thanks," without skipping a beat. "I don't like chocolate."
Black Male, "Oooweeee! Those are rocks you're throwing back at me, girl." He chuckles a bit then leans in across the counter. "You don't like chocolate, girl?" His voice gets high pitched when he says chocolate. It makes her laugh.
"I ain't never heard of that. Ain't never heard of that."
White Female, "Nope. Well, I actually don't like sweets."

He bursts into a combination of laughter and shock...spinning around, clapping his hands and spastically hopping up and down.

She picks up her juice and walks back into the busy terminal, smiling the entire way to B38.

The girl, of course, was me. And for some reason, this guy has stuck in my head. It's funny the people and things that stay with you sometimes.

I think it's a safe assumption that this guy got off work that day, and while he was relaxing with his boys, told a story about a girl he met who didn't like sweets...not even chocolate. Our little interaction spread both ways.

And the world becomes a smaller place. And our tales...they travel far beyond the 2,595 miles I traveled in that 38 hours.

Something to ponder.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fiscal Year 2010 - Time To Be Real

It's been brought to my attention, that "I need to get some new material" on my blog. BUT, the tricky thing about blogs, or public forums of any sort, is the political correct tone it encourages. It forces the novice of a writer to screen or make writing diplomatic and boring. It's filtered, void of honesty... a delicate balance between my personal truth and the readers' standpoint.

The great thing about public forums, however, is the reader's choice to subscribe and participate in them... or unsubscribe and not participate. That's the beauty of them, really. And as a side, things I find important in great writing are sometimes brutal honesty and trusting your reader with it.

Well - I think it's time to make my writing as unfiltered as my beer (Boulevard anyone?). Let the entertainment begin. A new fiscal year has begun (a month ago, but still) and with it, a new, realness emerges from the Possum Hunter. All those offended - cram it.

An exerpt from the mind of a Possum Hunter - Occurance: Sunday, August 2, 2009:

When it's 116 on a Sunday, there seems to be no more splendid time to venture to the pool and dive into a collection of Flannery O'Connor's hilarity. Thus, as Neil and I proceeded to bake by the pool, I found myself distracted, and to my extreme annoyance, couldn't focus on my short stories. It was one of those times where you would read a page, then re-read the page and re-read the re-read material. And even then, I had no comprehension of the material I had processed.

So, I decided to eavesdrop on the interruption located in the pool. It was a loud group - a quartet of geeks - two girls and two "guys", all astonishingly unfortunate looking and all partaking in a game of toss the nerf football. Only, the way it was being tossed - was more at each other, seemingly trying to physically injure one not offering their undivided attention. All the while, the conversation was LOUDLY on video games. It was strikingly weird conversation to be had in a pool, I thought. It made me uncomfortable.

The "leader" of the group asked, "Have you figured out how to make them drink caffeinated beverages when the energy level gets low.?"

* Ball - launches at one member's face

He continued to no particular ball-tossing participant, "I was able to buy the caffeinated beverages, but I can't yet make him drink it."

To nobody, he proceeded, "Go go gadget arms!!"

* Ball - launched out of his hand, gaining speed and streamed past another member's head. It bounces over the fence and they laughed awkawdly.

The one who I thought was a girl initially, jumps out of the pool in full pants and a tshirt to fetch it.

My mouth remained open in horror and curiosity as I watched the entire five-minute transaction go down. I mean, they were weird. Yes. Like, you see in movies-weird.

And for some reason, several hours later, after a work-out and a couple O'Connor short-stories, I find myself confused, annoyed and CURIOUS by them. WHY ARE THEY SO ODD?

The unknown, and in this case, the video nerds, icked me out. I need to work on not getting so easily worked up - but for now, I will do what I seem to do best...learn more.

Estimate: 1-2 hours browsing online for information on video gamers. I'll leave you with a link to what my preliminary research (Neil) has led me to know as "larping" - Live Action Role Playing.


Tata Sunday the 2nd, you rascal.