Sunday, September 28, 2008

Changing Seasons and Bloody Marys

As the weather starts to cool to 95, and the sun sets over the desert horizon a little earlier each day, I become more and more anxious...

About being able to walk outside and not disintegrate into a pool of sweat

About being able to hike again with my roomate

About the light rail opening in a few months

About drinking peppery bloody marys and hitting up sweet estate sales in Sun City

About what the crazy future holds for me

The weeks lately have started to fly by. And the weekends - they flash before my eyes for only an instant, and then they're gone. It's when you live your life in a state of waiting - for your boy to come into town, for a chance to fly and see far away friends, to get a raise, to know my next step - well, it's no surprise that it's all passing me by like a blur.

Note to Self: Live in the moment, not on the side-lines of your own life.

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