Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Shall We Dance?"

We were seated in the movie theare and the credits started to roll.

"Dance with me," he said, smiling.

"Here? Ok..." I responded unsure and unenthusiastically.

We stood up as if to leave, and I paused for a moment to oblige his request. For under a minute, we swayed back and forth in the dark theatre. I'll admit, it was a half-assed display of dancing; It really was. It may have looked more like a long and unstable hug than a dance, actually. But, it showed him I tried while keeping me close enough to my comfort zone. I didn't want to embarrass myself. People don't dance in theatres. It's just odd.

And after we were done dancing and walking out, I realized something surprising - I was glad I had just danced with him. Really glad.

I'm questioning whether this will continue - this, "I am uncomfortable but will meet you half way and then find out it was a good thing" occurance.

If it does, I just hope it's half way I'm going, and not further. But I'm not so sure...

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