Sunday, October 2, 2011

Weekend Edition Sunday (NPR is taking over my life)

This week has been full of liveliness, "firsts" and in proper downtown Phoenix fashion, full of some serious insanity. In between it all, I've been plugged into every show NPR has to offer, tuned into my lady podcasters (Stuff Mom Never Told You. If you haven't listened, give it a go here), and of course... to the brilliant and talented Delilah (she has a new app, people). This week's roundup:

  • I've moved beyond just drinking wine, to actually racing for it. A few of my fellow coworkers and I participated in a 5K near Sedona called the "Great Arizona Wine Stomp." Not only was I duped into wearing all purple - "It'll be fun, we can be the 'grape' team" they told me - but it also turned out, we didn't actually get to stomp grapes. A fun time nonetheless, and also the first formal run I actually raced instead of just attempting to finish. 
  • Two shiny new obsessions have presented themselves. The first, a song called "Home" which makes actual mention to my home and seems to be hand crafted for the whistler in us all. The second, the movie "Bridesmaids," which makes no mention to Arkansas, but which is just so priceless. Don't let the name fool you.
  • The war against the mouse persists, and I continue to insist upon entering rooms in the house only after first announcing my presence loudly (typically by launching my keys into the room, or stomping, knocking, or clapping. The scene itself would prove plenty to give fright to any rodent.). Perhaps due to my eccentric behavior, or the piles of poison placed in each corner, or the sheer feeling of being so blatantly unwelcome, there's been no sight of the little guy. I did, however, come upon a mouse-looking bug while mopping the floor on my hands and knees. Suspicious indeed. 
  • Keeping to my regular dosage of patio time, I was witness to the first bizarre behavior since the Untimely Men in Black. See previous post. It was a quiet day on the street and a homeless-looking man on bicycle crept into my line of sight, stopping upon a blossoming flower bush across the street. I expected him to smell it, or maybe shrug and then keep on his way, but instead, he looked angrily at the flowers, and proceeded to pluck each of them violently with his filthy hands from their proper stem. When he was finished his Edward Scissor Hands act, his feet and clothing adorned with red and purple petals, he advanced to the next bush and performed the exact same act. By the time he had successfully deflowered the entire lot, he saddled back on his bicycle, and rode away into the desert sunset. Perplexed, terrified and intrigued by the entire scenario, I said nothing.
  • The door has officially been opened to books on tape. Well, books on iPhone. I'm not entirely sure if "The Red Queen" - a semi-historical account of the life of Lady Margaret Beaufort, mother of King Henry VII - is the best way to get my feet wet, but thus far, it's earning massive multitasking points for accompanying me on several runs, errands and household chores thus far.
  • Turns out, work is much more enjoyable when an angry she-devil doesn't work there anymore. Shwing!
  • I also received one of the most entertaining videos, courtesy of mom and dad which sums up the week quite nicely. Kids, do not try this at home - must be an Arkansas redneck to partake in:


Danielle said...

Sir, do you listen to NPR on the radio, or do you listen to podcasts on your phone? I love NPR and would love to start listening more. Thanksssssss.

The Possum Hunter said...

There's a free NPR app that streams any radio station that's offering the service, which is typically a variety in each city.

I listen on the iPad, but you can easily stream from the phone, sir.

Get involved.

Danielle said...

Aha, yes... I have that app. I'll be getting involved. Thanks. :)