Sunday, July 26, 2009

Two years and none the wiser

I'm surprised to wake up and realize it's already the end of July - the seventh month of the year in which the summer for school-goers terminates and the fall semester looms. For me, it marks one month short of my residing in Phoenix for two years.


Crap. I must be getting old.

Before I start, I will admit, I'm in a very good place. After having resided in my Southwest home, I have a job that I love (FINALLY), great friends, a sensational Peace Lily (Miss Alabama), upcoming trips home to see childhood friends (that I can afford), beautiful weather and desert landscape (aside from this month with 110 temperatures)and manicured nails and toes.

I dig.

Meah - Sam Adams Blackberry Wit will accompany me through the rest of this Sunday evening. Yum.


Super Sick Secret Keeper!!! said...

I'm not sure if "none the wiser" is an accurate title...
Wiser in lots of areas for sure.
In terms of keeping men from falling in love with you and from acting in ridiculous ways- a task that would require you to either change your charming personality/good looks or change the men entirely - good luck with either of those!

You are in a good spot! And many of us are proud of you!

The Possum Hunter said...

I can't believe I didn't know it was YOU!

University of Phoenix Alum Spy STRIKES AGAIN!!