Sunday, November 15, 2009

Where's Waldo?

The rules for Last Chance shoppers worry me deeply. And believe it or not, these very rules were created in response to customer behavior exhibited every day at this place.

Feast your eyes on the crowd from this Saturday morning. I had an accomplice shooting video from above the mayhem. Phoenix's rendition of the Running of the Bulls. Possibly why I'm so drawn to it?

So you see, this is what I endure for my friends' Ugg fetishes. This year - I've had half a dozen requests for the lovely Australian Ugg, which my friends know are available at Last Chance. Every weekend, I have lined up for 'opening' at Last Chance to fight my way through the regulars to the back of the store for the goods. The only way you can get a hot item like the Ugg is to go as the store opens and fight to the death. Today, it was a battle between myself and the shoving, cramming and agressive shopping Pakistani man. His bony, nimble fingers snatched one pair I was aiming for, but not the others. I was quick and unyielding.

One weekend - four Uggs and one pair of riding boots. Only two more to go.

So where am I in the video? Bottom right, purple shirt, sly yet seasoned gait. Unstoppable.

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