Sunday, October 3, 2010

All Roads Lead to the Montelucia

The past few weeks haven't left me with any large amount of spare time. That's actally terribly delicate. In a little under a month, I have shown face in Colorado, Arkansas, New Mexico, Virginia and several locations outside of the Phoenix metro area. And for an already overbooked dual book-clubber, newly healed runner, bridesmaid, and painfully overworked ad gal who NEEDS free time to clean, do laundry and keep in-touch with out of state pals - let me just say...this month has been trying. I'm still not sure how I got through it, but suffice it to say I'm alive.

Part of my sanity is in large part due to mani/pedis, eucalyptus steam rooms, rooftop pool access, margaritas and sweaty, naked old women with fake boobs. That's right - I spent my day yesterday at the Montelucia's Joya Spa, and it quite literally rejuvinated me back to life. Mr. Produce Itule gets MAD props for setting this up for not only me, but one of my girlfriends as well.

If you've got to go hard for a month, there might as well be some pampering at the end of the road. And on my photoradar ticket laden journey, my desert mirage in the far distance proved to be fabulous.

Things always find a way to work themselves out. :)


Danielle said...

i'm glad you survived.

in other news, i've had a plethora of possom in my back yard. ew.

The Possum Hunter said...

A plethora of possum? I'm going to need additional details, and if possible - photos.