Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Scream It Off

It's been too frequent lately that I've had to stop myself from screaming out loud (at work, in the middle of dinner, cleaning the house, at work, in traffic, at work, working out, at work, at work, at work)...

Last night was the first time in a while that I simply didn't hold back, and it was when I heard on the radio that Obama had just won the election against my most feared opponent, McCain and Palin. Obama had won the presidency! I let loose.

I screamed as I was loud, that my foot pressed harder on the gas and I could feel the relief spreading through my body. I screamed the entire way home.

And it felt so good. It felt so so incredible. Everything has been so bottled up lately with the election, and the shape of the economy and the proper-ness of the day job. Sometimes, screaming can be so sensational.

Recommendation: TRY IT

It's interesting to see the way we change throughout the course of one year. It doesn't seem like long, but when it's in your 20's, it might as well be a decade - hair styles, life goals, political preference, hell, even sexual preference can all change significantly in the course of a year. I'm no exception to this theory.

Activity of choice to blow off steam - check
Hair Change - um, check
Life Goals - good god, check, check
Willingness to take a [flu] shot - check

In fact, my arm is sore. Apparently I demand flu shots, in direct contrast to before, when I would run a million miles before succombing to that process. AND oddly enough, I run a million miles to train for a half marathon, that I'm actually paying for. I think I've gone mad.

I have to get back to work. Bleh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm all for screaming. I definitely feel better afterward - usually because I realize how stupid the thing that I was screaming over was - and then I laugh at myself and move on with life.

:) You are awesome...