Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Geography 101 on "The Patio"

Neil and I decided to have a geography evening on the patio. And boy did we make a night of it.

First up, was to name all the 50 US state capitals. I will admit, it wasn't the pretiest of sights.

Second up, was to simply name as many countries in the world we could spout off together. Of the 195 or so in existence, we were able to spout off a little over 100.

Depressing. And yet, enlightening. Refusing to be the neighborhood idiot, I've since downloaded a US state capitol rap, as well as started researching some countries that I knew next to nothing about. Currently, I'm on Belgrade, Serbia.

It's amazing the rollercoasters the patio continues to take us on. The Patio, please seat yourself.

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