Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Patio - please seat yourself

Home improvement for the weekend: the patio. Two wrought-iron chairs, a bar table and a Creeping Charlie hanging plant - FINITO!

We christened the new digs Neil-&-Rebekah-style, with a candlelight evening complete with Louie Armstrong, Etta James and Billie Holiday...and a bottle of Chardonnay. And, the Phoenix weather couldn't have been more refreshing. It was really a perfect Saturday night.

We were the epitome of sophistication and simply relishing in our exclusive new establishment. At one point, approximately two glasses of vino in, Neil and I considered getting up and doing the tango. We then decided that next weekend, we'd make our patio evening a full-on affair - evening gown and suits required.

It's The Patio, seat yourself ladies and gents. It's something nice.


Danielle said...

i love the patio and i haven't even seen it!

srsly... i really, really want to make an inviting little patio area. i just haven't had the time (or money) to get to it yet. i hope to by next spring.

your plans for next weekend just sound absolutely fabulous, dahhhhhling.

The Possum Hunter said...

I highly recommend investing in a patio. It makes for a several very relaxing evenings, sir.