Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday Hungover Cakes

I've discovered a fondness for baking. Reason # 57 I'm the oldest 24-year-old ever. And, for a girl who doesn't eat sweets, these turned out quite nicely, I think. Now what am I going to do with 12 Sprinkles red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting...?



Expanding Waistline / Shrinking Brain said...

those look aMAzing!
I can't believe you waited to make cupcakes until I was gone.
Well, if you had made them while I was there I would definitely have eaten them all, so maybe it was a good decision! :)

baking does not make you old, just a little more skilled in a broader range of things!

The Possum Hunter said...

Shrinking brain? Hmmm...

Expanding waistline/expanding population of the CUBE???

I promise to bake cupcakes the next time you're here. I'm a pro now. :)