Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Baby Calf

I woke up from a hazy enjoy a deep and sleepy stretch.

And, as I flexed my leg muscles, reaching to the far corners of my sheets with my toes - a truly great stretch - something was very wrong. The muscle in my right calf was stuck... and pulsing. The pain was unreal. I tried to rub the muscle and unflex, then flex again. Before I knew it, I was literally crying out in my sleep.

Leg cramps - for the birds. And apparently, they're real.

I had trouble walking all day at work the next day. And I was even wearing flats. Really?

Watch out, people! It happens to the best of us. Leg cramps could be the new swine flu.


Danielle said...

oh, sir...

i've had leg cramps before... they're the worst! i'm experiencing pain just thinking about it! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The Possum Hunter said...

Thank you for being empathetic, sir.

Expanding Belly said...

Absolutely the WORST way to wake up! wait til you get pregnant and get charlie horses twice a month... seriously - today is the first day that my left calf feels normal again and it's been 5 days since I woke up with one.
I feel your pain my dear. The cure: bananas and lots of water! :) Hope you don't get another one anytime soon!

The Possum Hunter said...

Thanks for the banana advice. I'll try and stay hydrated and hope it won't happen again. Leg cramps = death.