Wednesday, October 14, 2009

These times, they're uncertain alright

Today was one of those double-whammy days. The first bad news hit mid-afternoon when I was notified that an old coworker of mine who has since become a dear friend of mine's husband passed away suddenly in his sleep. And later, after my post-work run, just as I had swallowed the first shock, I learned my good friend's father was diagnosed with colon cancer.

And it just hits you like a wave; Life is excessively short.

In my 24 years living, I've seen and dealt with death, albeit on a small scale, but in a large way. I've been through the 'pondering my mortality' before. It doesn't seem to get easier.

The only thing you can do is keep going. You have to embrace each day. My job, my car, money, even my newly adored patio - these aren't what we should be living for. What if we instead, focused on cherishing LIFE for the things that do matter: family, friends, love, good health, GOD. This is our only life, so the only thing we can try to do is live it to the fullest. If there's something we want to do - start making steps towards it and DO IT. Why wait?

Isn't it ironic that times like these are the times that take you back and cause you to really evaluate life?

My challenge from this is to reset. Breathe, love, care... and treat life just as it is: a precious gift, and one that is fragile. One that is temporary. One that is beautiful. It's our choice to make it that way.


Danielle said...

i'm so sorry to hear about the hard times your friends are going through...

i know what you mean, though... and i totally agree. life is short. and there are so many beautiful things in it that we need to cherish... and, yes... why wait? carpe diem.

The Possum Hunter said...

Carpe Diem, sir...